Sam Bradley to A Soulful Sound - Sam Bradley Supporters
6 minutes ago (June 12, 2012)
"Thank you to everyone that contributed to the videos made for the "Encores" contest. It made me feel all fuzzy inside and gives me great pleasure to play for you all!!
Sam x"
These beautiful testimonials are concrete evidence that what you put out into the world, comes back...
I am one of Sam’s newer fans. I’ve been listening to his music for less than a year. I’m going to lie. I got acquainted with his music after listening to Marcus Foster on Youtube. Sam’s music was recommended and one day I finally clicked on it, and god I’m so happy I did!What attracted me to his music is how “real” it is. What do I mean by “real,” you ask, well let me tell you! Real music to me is being truly talented and not relaying on the aid of synthesizers or pre recorded music or vocals. In today’s music world it is so hard good, quality music. Yes you have Katy Perry and Britney Spears, but that’s fun music. That’s pop music. That music has an expiration date in it. Music like Sam’s is timeless and will be around for a long, long time.
Sam’s music fits the bill. He has one, a great voice and two basic instruments that don’t hid his voice. To me not only is Sam a fantastic singer but also a great story teller. Whether you are listening to him sing kind of a comical song such as “Soho Girls” or “Passport”(buy the way, no matter my mood I always smile when I hear this song. It instantly puts me in a good mood) or a serious song like “Details” or “Sea Blue,” you are listening to him convey a story masterfully. In some respects he reminds me of a younger version of Johnny Cash who too successfully was able to be a story teller through his music.What does Sam’s music mean to me? A few things. Memories come to my mind. I was lucky enough to see Sam and Marcus perform in Boston at Johnny D’s. I went with two friends who had no idea who Sam and Marcus were. As matter a fact when we walked across the street, Sam was outside and I smiled and whispered, “That’s Sam Bradley.” My friend very innocently looked at me and asked, “Who?” I reminded her that he was one of the artists we were going to see that evening (nice to see all of those Youtube clips I sent her got watched!)
I have to say I was a little disappointed with the Boston show, to no fault of Sam or Marcus. The crowd was just, well, boring. I felt like I was the only person singing in my direction. The performances did not lack. Both musicians brought it! Sam was witty, charming and so talented. At the end of the show my friends both ended up buying both Sam and Marcus’ CDs. They both commented on the way out that they would like to see him again.Before we left we spoke to both Marcus and Sam and I personally think it is wonderful that they take the time to talk to everyone. They were both very gracious and extremely friendly. I have to say I was smitten with Mr. Bradley while we chatted. He was so sweet, kind (and duh!) talented too. I was happy when I told him I was off in the morning to New York City to see the show the following night he didn’t think I was a crazy stalker! He politely said “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
The following evening was a reunion of sorts. I met up with four of my best friends, who literally traveled from all over the world (okay, one lives on Long Island, the other in Syracuse and the other two did come all the way from Nova Scotia and Toronto, that counts as international, right?). We stood near the stage and near the curtain/back stage area. We were all talking before the show began. I looked over to my right and jumped a mile up in the air! Sam was peeking out into the audience to see what the crowd looked like. He talked to us for a few moments before he got ready for the show. The energy was unreal at this venue, so different from my hometown. It was a better show because of the energy of the crowd (plus I loved how Marcus sang with Sam and vice versa.)
During portions of Marcus’ set, Sam came out of hiding (aka the backstage area) and actually stood with my friends and I and sang along with us. He cheered his friend on at the end of the songs too. It was nice to see.
At the end of the show we spoke to both Marcus and Sam. They both seemed to remember me (Marcus had called me “Boston”). Again, in a crowded music hall they both took their time to talk to their fans and you could tell they were truly appreciative of the support. It is nice to see that both men appreciate us as much as we appreciate them. When I went to leave after speaking to Sam he gave me a big hug and a kiss on the check, yes I was smitten again! The evening was just so much fun and a time that I will always remember that was shared by my good friends who I don’t get to see very often (and Sam too!).All of this writing leads me up to tonight and my other point about Sam (bear with me on this one!). This week as kind of been a medical hell for me. I went to the dentist (I have a dentist phobia, I really hate going) to have a simple procedure and it turned out bad, real bad. It is Thursday night and I haven’t eaten since Monday afternoon due to the swelling in my mouth. I have been to the dentist everyday this week (and lucky me I get to go back tomorrow too). All the while I was having the procedure done I had my Ipod with me. I was replaying Sam’s songs. I closed my eyes and I was able to go back to the night in New York and remember the good time I had. As I write this I am sitting in the ER (I also have a hospital phobia too and hate being here) working on my third bag of medication and fluids from the IV, I’m listening to “Woman You Crazy” and it brings a (painful) smile to my face. The playlist is really and truly putting me at a place of ease.
Even though I’m in the most pain I’ve ever been in n my entire life (and it hurts to smile) I can’t help but grin. This time is forcing me to think about focus a little bit on my friends and the good time I had with them. Meeting Sam both times.
So what does Sam’s music make me think of? Good-no, scratch that. It makes me think of great “real” music. Thank you Sam for sharing your talent with all of us. Also, thank you for the many memories with my dear friends and you! Finally, thank you Mr. Bradley for bringing a smile to my face even while I’m scared and in pain and in the ER! Can’t wait to catch you the next time around!
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I had the absolute privilege of seeing Sam perform as the support act for Marcus Foster at the Rockwood Music Hall in New York City.
Like most of the world’s population I’m a huge music fan, but nothing can beat the feeling of going to see a band or an artist that you love and watching them in the flesh, seeing them right there in front of you, close enough for them to issue a restraining order in some cases.
I probably average about 30 gigs a year and I can honestly say that watching Sam perform was a real highlight. There was something about the beautiful effortless charisma that he commands on stage both in his songs and his wonderfully witty banter that can transfix an audience.
His banter was a particular joy to experience, and the way he interacted with the crowd was excellent. I’ve lost count of the number of gigs I’ve been to where the performer has just played their songs said “thank you”, and shuffled off stage. What the hell did I pay for? At least a hello would be nice. Honestly, whack your manners out.
I remember one gig in particular where the only thing a gentleman said the whole night was “I’m John Smith and I’m here to play you some songs.” Well, I know that already. That’s why I brought a ticket to see you. I didn’t buy a ticket to watch you balance a plate on your head for goodness sake. (I apologize to any singers called John Smith out there. I chose a name from the sky and I am yet to see you live if you do in fact exist. I’m sure you’re a wonderfully chatty person on stage. If not, please start now).
I want to hear them talk about what they do for fun, so we mere minions can feel like we have some sort of common ground. For example what do they do on the weekend? Drinking, writing, music, drinking, sport, drinking, literature, drinking, and travel… the list goes on. Sam combined the serious content of his hauntingly beautiful songs with the above light hearted crowd interaction topics, creating the perfect balance of humour and earnestness when singing his songs. His genuine interest in talking to the audience was at a level that I’ve not really seen before. You could tell he was having a really good time chatting; we were having an even better time, so the whole atmosphere created a warm fuzzy feeling. Come to think of it, that feeling might have been the copious amounts of alcohol that he kept encouraging the crowd to drink.
Now that’s a good entertainer.
So basically, it was just fan-bloody-tastic. It solidified everything I love about the sort of shows I immerse myself in and the artists I choose to see. You don’t need lasers, dance routines, poles and stuff coming from the ceiling or anything else. You just need one artist or band, and instruments.
That’s it. That’s what’s missing from music these days; MUSIC.
It’s lucky we have people like Sam who are aware of that and are trying their damn hardest to prove otherwise.
Make sure you go to one of his shows. A really lovely guy to chat to and I promise you there isn’t a lot of music out there at the moment that still has the same raw energy as his.
I found Sam Bradley and Marcus Foster almost exactly a month before their RockWood NYC 2012 show. I was looking up a song and all roads led to them. So, I listen to Sam sing this G Barkley cover and I start crying......WOW!!! this man is GOOD! I couldn't stop searching You Tube like a frantic freak....... listening to every single video I could find and then THE MAN puts up NOT YOUR KIND...I started crying only a few lines in, maybe I'm over emotional (probably :)_) but that song it was so beautiful to me, I played it over and over.
I am not very "social networky" I have a facebook, but go on only occasionally. However, when I heard NOT YOUR KIND, I did five things, downloaded every Sam Bradley album I could (very frustrating I cant get them all), searched for his own websites, made a YouTube account and I finally, against all my better inclinations, signed up for the dreaded Twitter (sorry Twitt's) so I could follow any tour updates and most importantly I bought tickets for Rockwood!!!!!!!!! The weeks leading up to Rockwood were the longest weeks ever, I was so anxious I couldn't take it. I mean I literally felt excited for Sam the way I did for NKOTB when I was little and that was a veryyyyyyy long time ago. I learned all the words to his songs that I had bought--quite easily since I was sleeping with Sam and waking up with Sam and showering with Sam every single day :) (ahhhh I'll move on)
I live in NJ so I took the bus and subway to the venue Sam and Marcus were at, I only arrived an hour and a half early and man was I mad, I had wanted to get there at least 3 hours early, because I was not taking a chance of getting stuck in the back. There were already about 4-5 girls there (I had expected lines around the block, what are people missing?). Sam and Marcus showed up a little while later and when they passed by us, my head went a little soft, I had the stupidest look on my face, I was totally STAR STRUCK I mean he is reallyyyy Delicious and that smile, (I have to write about Marcus in another encore lol) so while I stood in line I just tried not to plaster myself against the Rockwood glass window to get a better look at Sam, Marcus and Jack (I had become very acquainted with all of them over the past weeks). When the time finally came to go inside, I cemented myself in the spot I wanted and ordered a big mug of beer! I was very thirsty!
When Sam came on, I think every women in the room took a deep breath... I dared not take my eyes off of him, my smile was ear to ear and I turned into a crazy screaming fan girl (what the heck? so not me). I was told later by Jack that I almost took out his ear drum (can we say MORTIFIED lol).
We live in a day when most "artists" are made in the studio so when you see them or hear them do a performance you are almost always disappointed.
Sam is not studio made, he is all real, all raw, all passionate, emotional, perfection!!!! When he sings every hair on my body stands up. The show was amazing, not a single missed moment, he is a PRO, I laughed ALOT, I cried, I danced, I screamed and the most important part for Sam, was I left feeling this deep rumbling need to hear him again and again. There were visions of throwing ones self on the stage and/or throwing ones bra too, butttt I just screamed instead LOL.
Lyrically he moves you to places you have not been in a long while and sweeps you smoothly to where you long to be. His voice is amazing, the man can sing, from soft to hard and back again, you find yourself absolutely invested in every move and word that leaves his body. I was sure I was a fan from hearing him on YouTube and his cd's but after RockWood there can be no doubt, I am a FAN FOR LIFE.
Sam Bradley is IT, he needs to be on billboards and posters and awards shows, he is that good. I am honored and so overjoyed I found such an amazing talent to listen to every single day! :) GO SAM!!!!
Lastly, Sam is very very sexy and the accent and the little laugh its all what will make him a SUPER STAR, I'm quite surprised no one ripped his shirt off (his time will come) you want to know him personally, he comes off so genuine, you want to buy him a whiskey and have a chat...of course that is the kind of draw that makes people famous, the ability to make other "normal" people want YOU, scary really....I also saw Sam watching Marcus sing from the stage door, and of course the performances they did together, which literally almost made me fall apart at the seams... Sam loves Marcus, they are best friends, which everyone knows, but you SEE that they love each other, (having had the same 5 friends since i was in third grade, i understand this) he wants his friend to succeed, there is a humility between the two of them, I felt very honored to see, it was a glimpse into what makes him so amazing, just one more reason to ADORE him and wish that his dreams come true and Marcus's too.
May God Bless them. SAMS THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay bye!
What is it about Sam Bradley? I've been asked that question more times then I can count. What is it that makes me stand behind someone so firmly without fail? It could be how his music reaches into your soul and rips it to the very core and destroys you but then turns around and heals every wound. His voice can be that of an angel yet he can also get down and dirty with the best of them. That soulful grit that many try to fake but few can pull off. In my opinion it is those dirty moments that are the best, though I am quite fond of the beautiful ballad moments as well. But the music is only one part of the puzzle that is Sam Bradley. There are so many reasons why I believe in Sam unlike any other, many of them are very clear to not only me, some are personal that some others are fortunate enough to understand. He has heart, soul, charisma, charm and drive. I know that someday we will all be remembering when he was playing small clubs and venues but just how great and amazing it is that he is playing arenas. I have been a supporter for many years now and it still amazes me how much he has grown and improved since the first time I saw him (which was amazing even then). So how do I answer the question "What is it about Sam Bradley" in the end? Simple. You won't fully understand until you see him and meet him in person. Sam Bradley just is. There is no explaining it. He just is. I believe.
Lisa a/k/a Panda
Today’s “popular music” features lots of pretty people singing lots of pretty songs that are more produced than performed. Is it any wonder that when you hear someone REAL you almost can’t believe your ears?This is the case with Sam Bradley. His music is raw, thought provoking, emotional and the times I’ve seen him, performed with his acoustic guitar as his only accompaniment.
One song that really moves me is Little Sister which makes any girl long for such a loving, devoted and wiser older sibling.
His wisdom and humility far exceed his years. I don’t know many “twenty something’s” who are so in tune, so self aware and self effacing as our young Mr. Bradley.His voice is rich and pure and has the ability to move through his well penned lyrics like a hot knife through butter. Ballads, soul, blues, hip hop, pop… Sam does it all, beautifully!
In addition to his musical talent, Sam is hilarious. There is nothing better than having your heart ripped open by a song only to laugh hysterically the next moment after hearing one of Sam’s quips or funny anecdotes.After every show he makes time to meet with his fans. He is so genuine and friendly, that you leave feeling as though you have just made a new friend.
Sam is the real deal. In a world where very little is "real", I cherish each and every musical experience with Sam Bradley.
"There are very few current musicians that are truly worth getting excited about, and Sam Bradley is one of them. With his soulful voice and his unique sound, Sam reaches people in ways that many musicians cannot. Like many, I had heard about him from the Twilight sound track and had looked him up on You Tube. I was immediately intrigued and decided to go see him live the first chance I got. The first time I ever saw Sam live was at the Glass House in Pomona, CA. It was a memorable night spent listening to this amazing musician with my best friend and sister. Looking back, it was the perfect way to experience Sam Bradley live.
Since that first show, I have been to many other shows; each always better than the next. For those that have seen Sam live, you know that he gives 200% of himself during each and every show. It is an amazing thing to experience, and always leaves you wanting more. Sam is just one of those musicians that sound’s better live than in the studio (though he sounds amazing in the studio as well), even when he messes ups the lyrics or breaks a string. He is just simply amazing!
I have also been fortunate enough to meet Sam and have a good chat with him. Regardless of how cheesy it sounds, I have to admit that he makes you feel like he has known you all his life. Those who have had the same opportunity, know how funny and endearing he is. He has even surprised me by remembering me enough to name off the shows of his that I have been to. That, my dear readers, is proof of his commitment to his fans. He is rare in the fact that he genuinely appreciates and cares for those who support his music and take the time and spend the money to watch him play. His remembrance of me awed me almost as much as his ability to keep his crowd so engaged and entertained from beginning to end. His humorous antics onstage mixed with his pure talent, truly sets him apart form other live musicians.
Since his very first EP, I have been addicted to his sound and constantly look forward to what he gives us next. His songs have truly helped me through many dark times, and has helped me celebrate the brighter times. His music was playing during the birth of my son, and it was playing when I found out my uncle died. His music speaks differently to each of us and allows for our own interpretation. There really isn't enough words to describe Sam's talent and his amazing character. The truth is, unless you have had the honor of experiencing his music for yourself, you really won't get what I am writing about. Regardless of where my life may take me, I will always be thankful for Sam’s music, his time, and his generosity that has allowed me to make some truly amazing memories with those that I love. For all the music he has made, and will make in the future, I am truly thankful.
Cheers! to many years of amazing music and memories!"
Rachel Stephens
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Rachel with Sam in LA, March 2012 |
" I became a fan of Sam Bradley, Marcus Foster and Bobby Long about 3 years ago. This is the first time I've actually been able to see any of them play live though. I drove over 3 hours from Indiana to Tennessee to see Marcus and Sam play and I have to say, it was one of the best nights of my life! I love and live music and they are both fantastic performers!"*********************************************************
Christina Black
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Christina with Sam, Nashville - April 7, 2012 |
"Although there are no words that can justify what Sam and his music
mean to me, here is my go at it: I met Sam in July of 2009 and have
been sure to take every chance I can to see him since then. I have
driven over 16 hours and flown across the country- it has all been
very much worth it. As a lover of music, I have always enjoyed going
to live shows, but no musician has meant as much to me as Sam does. I
wish I could explain what it is about him, but I simply can't. He just
has...IT. There's charisma, there's love, there's passion, there's a
certain rawness, there's a goofiness, and so much more to Sam. Every
performance he gives everything to everyone. You feel like you are the
only one in the room when he talks to you and he has this way about
him that makes you feel like you are old friends. He cares so much
about everyone and is so passionate about his music. In order to
really understand what I am trying to say, you just have to experience
a live show and spend some time with Sam for yourself. You will not
regret it."
How does Sam Bradley's music make YOU feel? Let us know.
A Soulful Sound got some Live Fan Reactions at Cafe Nine, New Haven, 4/12/12
and - Johnny D's, Boston, MA 4-13-12
Join in the fun! Create your own "After Show Reaction" and submit your video (or written testimonial) to:
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