Show Reporter,
AmberC checks with with
A Soulful Sound, sharing her experience at Sam's show in Columbus, Ohio!
Date: September 20, 2011
City: Columbus, Ohio
The Basement
Jenny Owen Youngs and
Hank And The Cupcakes

I have to say that I have been waiting for over 2 years for the day to come when Sam finally realized that Ohio has a capital city named Columbus and that we were very receptive to having him play here!
Yes my disappointment was great every time I'd see a new Sam Bradley tour announced and no Columbus and really no Ohio at all. So imagine my surprise when all those months ago he announced a small little intimate tour, just him and his guitar in support of a fellow artist, that Columbus popped up! It took me literally 5 minutes to even comprehend that yes I was in fact going to get to see Sam live on stage.
Fast forward a couple of months and it's the day of the concert, my husband is looking at me like I need to be committed because I am so keyed up with energy and can't sit still for more than 2 minutes.
Finally the time comes to leave. I live 45 minutes away and were planning to beat rush hour traffic. We got there early. I'm talking like 3 hours early, yes we might be slightly crazy!
Let me explain about the venue a bit, It is called The Basement because it is literally the basement of another concert venue, its very intimate and cozy with leather couches along the wall and band decor plastered all over the walls! Even the restrooms are awesome! They are signed and drawn on by anybody that wants to from the artists that play there, to the concert goers.
There is a bar of course but the main feature is the stage and the floor in front of it which is known as the pit. It actually drops down so that the stage is elevated and you have to look up to see the performer.
Around 7 pm they opened the doors. We we were first in line, with about 7 people behind us. I was a little worried, really wishing more people were going to show up. These great artists deserve to play to a sold out house! We walk in and Hank and Cupcakes are doing a sound check, we watch them for a minute then turned to go to the bar and bam who do we walk into?
Yea, I probably don't even have to say it but I will...Sam.
We played it cool like "hey whats up, glad you came to Columbus" when on the inside I'm like screaming this is Sam motherfucking Bradley and were just chatting with him like its nothing. I think that's when it hit me Sam is just a normal guy doing what he loves for fans that appreciate him for being Sam and not for other reasons that shall not be mentioned!
Alright lets jump ahead another hour before I get worked up and start discussing those unmentioned reasons! I'm right up front direct center of the stage the floor is packed because more people did show up. It wasn't sold out but there was a solid crowd of about 40+ and for a Tuesday, I'd say thats pretty damn good! The stage is set. Sam's water bottles are sitting out, his mike is waiting for him to come out, the red, blue, green and clearish lights are flashing making the moment a bit more heart poundingly intense waiting for him to come out on stage! Did I mention this is my 1st time seeing Sam live? I might have been a bit dramatic in my head I hope you will forgive me or you know join it!!
All of us women and even some boys, who kept on making comments about how delicious Sam was looking, are crowded around the stage. Finally about 8:15 he comes strolling out like he hasn't a care in the world. He sets his set list down and introduces himself as if we needed it!
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We all applaud him and the awesomely awesome gay boys behind us do the cat calls, Sam being the nice guys tells us that we are all to kind when the boys yell out "oh no honey you're the nice one here" some more cat calls and I do believe a blush on Mister Bradley to cute!!
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His 1st song of the night was No One and Me such a beautiful song. After that it was apparent Sam wasn't happy with the way things were sounding so we got a special treat in the form of Sam singing an R. Kelly song called Sex Me. (Amber's video follows)
I guess to him singing that was better then having to listen to himself say tune over and over again or so he claims. That boy just does not understand the effect he has on women and men, I'm pretty sure there was some swooning going on and some vivid imaginations that really we don't need to discuss cause I am sure you can imagine it on your own!
After that was all taking care of and the general population gathered their wits back about them, the show went on and I was mesmerized. I gotta say one of my favorite songs of his is Details I just love how soulful this song sounds and hearing it live...I can't even describe how incredible it was.
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I'm not sure how many people have gotten to hear the "Hippie Song", but it is probably the funniest song I have heard. He told us a story about it saying he wrote it in honor of his sister and her friends who fancy themselves hippies. Well actually it was more of a rant then a story because he didn't seem at all happy about his sister being a hippie and I quote "they weren't even born in the 70's... hell they weren't even born in the fucking 80's." I wish i had recorded it because it is a great song so funny and it captured Sam's playful side!
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The next song he played was a classic song sung by the likes of the Rolling Stones and ....... called ......... (Editor's Note: pretty sure Sam was talking about Otis Redding's That's How Strong My Love Is) At this point Sam made a very big booboo and stated that these were fabulous musicians so he couldn't go wrong with this song though he doesn't consider himself as such...the crowd was not at all happy with him about this little mess up and well we let know what we thought about him putting himself down!! I think he learned from that mistake rather quickly!
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Next he sang Women You Crazy. I might get some flak for this but I am gonna say it anyway, this is not one of my favorite Sam songs. I kind of wish he would have picked something else but I still enjoyed it. He actually dedicated it to this family that was there who apparently have followed him around on this tour and as I gather it his other tours as well.... I guess that's Sam love right there!
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Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and even though this was more than good, it was fan-fucking-tastic, it came to an end with probably my favorite Sam song. I know you're probably thinking wow how do you choose just one there are all fabulous and I agree, but there is just something about Passport that makes me happy. It's probably the absurdity of the song or maybe it's the way he seems to growl in it that just does well we won't discuss what it does to me! Sam actually told us the story of how Passport came to be and if you haven't heard it here is a shortened version of it. Sam was 19 dating a 47 year old that was apparently crazy and made him do crazy things. Thats the short version but enough to grasp the concept.
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After that was over. Me and my cousin exited the stage so people that were more interested in Hank and Cupcakes could get a better spot and we walked around the bar and over to the merchandise stand. I gotta say I was slightly disappointed that the only Sam merchandise that was there was a poster and his CD. Well I ended up purchasing a poster for him to sign and took a picture with him.
Sam & Amber
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This is also where I learned how completely 100% awesome he is. Sam sat down at the bar with us and we talked for a good 20 minutes about anything, and I may have told him that I was pissed off at him for not coming to Columbus sooner, but I can neither confirm nor deny that as I may still be slightly embarrassed that I said that to him! I did get an iron-clad promise in the form of an autograph that underneath it says he will be back and I fully intend to hold him to that!! He even told me that I could sue him if he didn't keep his promise!!
The rest of the night was pretty great as well and I encourage everyone that has a chance to not only see Sam live to go and see him. Also Hank and Cupcakes put on an amazing show as well and Jenny Owen Youngs! Jenny kind of makes people mad because I swear she has found the fountain of youth and needs to be sharing that right quick seeing as how she is 29 and looks 19. I even asked her if she was legally old enough to drink. Some people have all the luck.
It was an amazing night filled with amazing music and generally awesome and cool people. Can't wait to do it all again only this time when he comes back he will be with his band and I will finally get to experience that side of a Sam show.
Until then I hope I didn't bore you guys very much and maybe, hopefully, gave you a bit of a laugh! AmberC
Thank you AmberC!!!!!!!!!!
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Though I guess I can't say much because if I would of had the money this would not have been my 1st time seeing him live!!
After that came the song that most people got introduced to Sam by of course I am referring to Too Far Gone an absolutely beautiful song on disc and even better in person.
The way he sings to an audience is just incredible he makes it feel if even for just a moment that you are the only one in the audience and the only one that matters to him!
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